9:30 AM Jr. Livestock Auction~ Commercial Bred Heifers followed by Jr. Livestock sold in specie order. Grand Champions & Reserve Grand Champions will be sold at noon followed by the Heritage Animal.
Add-Ons must be received in the Livestock or Fair Admin. office no later than 7:00 PM day of Sale.
How to Download and Complete Fillable Fair Entry Form
2025 Forms to be available soon.
If you do not have a buyer’s number, leave that field open. One will be issued to you.
Mitch Brown
John Corkins
Gary Laux
Nate Laux
Dennis Sexton
Casey Tharp

TERMS OF THE SALE: Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card the day of the sale in the LIVESTOCK OFFICE unless prior credit arrangements have been made with management. ALL purchases MUST be paid in full within 30 days after the sale. Make checks payable to “Porterville Fair”. The ultimate responsibility for payment for sale animals and add-ons rests with the person who signs the invoice at the time of the sale. Persons acting as “agents” for other individuals should have a signed authorization for purchase to release them from any liability for payment. Please attach the release of liability statement to the sales invoice.
- Exhibitor checks will be released once the sale is finalized to 4-H Community Leaders & FFA Advisors only. There will be a $25 charge to replace lost checks. Checks will only be replaced within 90 days of issue date. NOTE: 4-H Community Leaders & FFA Advisors will be responsible to see that ALL thank you letters are collected AND mailed to ALL livestock buyers, add-on AND award sponsors. A buyers list with addresses will be issued to each Leader/Advisor once the sale is finalized. Award sponsor names & addresses will be prominently displayed on the back of each award.
- FEES: The following fees will be assessed by the Fair (Fees subject to change.)
- 5% commission on each animal sold
- $5.00 each market beef (Brand Inspection & Beef Council fees)
- 1.5% finance charge will be assessed monthly on all unpaid Auction purchases after 60 days.
- Only animals graded “Market Ready” will sale.
- By entering, each market animal exhibitor acknowledges responsibility in the event their animal is found to contain drug residues. If drug residues are detected, exhibitors may be liable for financial restitution, attorney’s fees and civil penalties. Exhibitors may also be subject to disciplinary measures administered by the Porterville Fair, including but not limited to, the cancellation of sale transactions. The Junior Livestock Auction is conducted for the support of education in Agriculture and the convenience of exhibitors. Exhibitors are solely responsible for the care & wells fair of their animals until shipment by Porterville Fair.
- Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Market Steers, Lambs, Hogs, Goats, Turkeys, Rabbit & Chicken Poultry Meat Pens must be sold for processing at a state inspected.
- Each exhibitor shall sell only one market animal through the Junior Livestock Auction, unless he/she shows a Grand Champion or Reserve Grand Champion and is exhibiting more than one animal. In that event, pursuant to the rule that the Grand Champion and Reserved Grand Champion must sell, the exhibitor then may be entitled to sell a second animal. If an exhibitor exhibits more than one market animal, he/she must declare one hour following the conclusion of the market show which animal will be sold, if not declared highest placing animal will be sold.
- Every seller will be required to serve as a runner immediately before or after his/her animal is sold.
- ADD-ONS: Buyers can “add-on” additional monies to a purchase made by a primary buyer. ALL add-ons must be physically received in the Admin or Livestock office NO LATER than 7 PM the day of the Sale. Add-ons may be emailed to livestock1.pvfair@gmail.com (you must call the livestock office to confirm receipt of add-on emailed). Add-ons will not be taken at the auction block. Add-on invoices must be completed with a buyer’s number and required signature before an add-on will be taken. The minimum add-on bid is $35.
- All market animals are consigned to the sale at the time of entries. Exhibitors wishing to withdraw their animal from the sale must do so at the Livestock Office within one hour after their market animal division judging is completed.
- Previous year’s buyers with purchases or add-ons totaling over $250.00 will be mailed auction credential. New buyers must register at the table near the livestock office.
- Any animal reaching a must sell position at any other livestock show cannot be exhibited at the Tulare County Livestock Show and Community Fair. (Porterville Fair)
- Maximum paid weight will be Market Beef-1,300 lbs., Market Swine-275 lbs., Market Lambs-150 lbs., Meat Goats-100 lbs.
- Condemnation: Each seller agrees to indemnify & hold harmless the Fair Board against any loss or liability by reason of any animal sold by such seller being condemned at point of inspection. The Market Livestock Sale is conducted for the convenience of exhibitors. The Fair Board will assist in any way possible, but will not be responsible, for any loss incurred before or after the sale.