The 2023 Heritage $1,000 scholarship goes to Brenna Galloway a senior at Porterville High School. This will be Brenna’s 9th year showing hogs at the Porterville Fair and her 4th year with the Porterville FFA. One of the three hogs Brenna will have in the barn is the Heritage Animal who is a spotted pig named Dinero will be sold at noon during the Jr. Livestock Auction, Saturday, May 20th.
Brenna has been extremely involved during her High School years, participating in numerous activities. If you can’t find her at an FFA competition, on a golf course or in the band, she is often facilitating a leadership conference as a San Joaquin Regional FFA officer. One of her favorite high school activities is attending sporting events wearing orange and green. Along with school involvement, Brenna also serves as President of the Porterville Fair Junior Fair Board. “I love giving back to this community that has already provided me with so much,” states Brenna.
Although Brenna is from an agricultural background, she has always loved health science which prompted her to join the Health Academy at PHS her freshman year. This fall Brenna will be majoring in Biology on the pre-medical track to become physician. Her top two College choices are Baylor University in Texas and Oklahoma State University. “I am super excited about attending college!”, says Brenna.
Brenna continues, “I would like to thank everyone who has supported my fair journey. Especially my parents, for providing me with a strong foundation and values. I would not be the woman I am today without everyone’s guidance and support. I am incredibly grateful to be the Heritage Scholarship recipient, and I can’t wait for the Porterville Fair this May!” |
2024 Hailey Carothers, Porterville FFA
2023 Brenna Galloway, Porterville FFA
2022 Lucy Flynn, Ducor 4-H
2021 Carson Wallace, SHS FFA
2020 Jacob Martinez, SHS FFA
2019 Willow Werlhof, SHS FFA
2018 Tanner Nuckols, SHS FFA
2017 Amanda Farquharson, SHS FFA
2016 Cassidy Miller, MHS FFA
2015 Sarah Dreyer, Exeter FFA
2014 Chance Lewis, MHS FFA