Lamb, Swine & Goat Livestock Show – FEBRUARY 22-23, 2025

The 28th annual Orange Blossom Klassic is headed to the Porterville Fairgrounds FEBRUARY 22-23, 2025. Over 450 head of sheep, hogs, and goats will load in Friday. This is a double point show, and the actual show will begin at 9:30 AM each day Saturday & Sunday starting with showmanship competition.

The Orange Blossom Klassic is a Beyond the Ring Junior Livestock Association sanctioned jackpot show for market sheep, goats and hogs. The Orange Blossom Klassic, OBK, has morphed from the Lamb Slam; a lamb only shows then Kids R Us; a market goat show was added to the present day OBK showcasing goats, sheep and hogs being shown by well-seasoned and beginning exhibitors from throughout the state of California and Nevada. Exhibitors ages 4-21 are eligible to compete for prize money, buckles, ribbons, feed, and various awards. FFA or 4-H affiliation is not required.

The Orange Blossom Klassic is a sub-committee of the Fair and another project of the Porterville Jr. Fair Board, a group of 4-H & FFA member’s age’s 14-19. The show allows the Jr. Fair Board the experience of running all aspects of a Jr. Livestock show with the assistance from the adult committee members.

You spoke – we listened! NEW this year; Wether Dam Ewe and Wether Dam Doe classes have been added to the OBK. 

The Orange Blossom Klassic partners with Beyond the Ring Junior Livestock Association to give our exhibitors an opportunity to accumulate points for the organizations year end prizes should they wish to become a BTRJLA member. Membership is not required to participate in OBK.

Orange Blossom Klassic has become a tradition for thousands of families. The public is welcome and there is not an admission fee. Entry to the show is on the north side of the Fairgrounds. Enter at Road 224 (on the east side of the grounds) and follow the livestock signs. A limited number of camping sites with electricity is available.

Entries link will be available Monday, January 13, 2025. Feel free to call us at (559) 781-6582 if you have questions or require assistance with your entries.

Orange Blossom Klassic Show

Photos From Orange Blossom Klassic Shows